Hey man, chill. No need to be mean to BHSpike
U said to BHSpike: "You call me a reatrd?? At least I don't write crap in my profile that's WrITteN lIkE a ReTArDeD 12 yEaR Old would. Seeing as you are so great and so very mature, what the hell are you doing on a site like this? Don't you have a life? I don't spend all day and night on my Flash movies because I do actually have a social life iunlike you, as you are a hypocritical moron who has way too much time on your hands.
Finally, go fuck yourself, bitch."
Man, calm down. Jesus, you need to GROW UP man. Forgive him for using the brain in his head. Maybe if you did it, we wouldn't have had to sit through this trash you call flash.
You can say the usual "i knnow flash so fuck you!!1!" in a similar fashion in which you did to BHSpike without mercy, but know this:
Whoever brags about their social life every chance they get is a loser with no friends. You need to accept the fact that people have opinions different from yours, not lash out at anyone who doesn't vote 5. And if you think you have the right to flame people for not liking it, then who here is the retard?