And here's why!
Holly Jones, an innocent young girl was abducted recently, molested, and KILLED. But that's not where this grisly tale ends. You see, the sick, twisted monsters who did such horrible things to her, then CUT HER BODY INTO MORE THAN 3 PIECES, AND STUFFED HER REMAINS INTO GARBAGE BAGS, AND LITTERED THEM ACROSS THE SHORE OF A TORONTO ISLAND!!!!
And in this flash, we see a girl booger brought into a guy booger's house, where she is MURDERED. Then, the next scene shows the guy booger with a garbage bag, which, when emptied later on in the flash, are the cut-up pieces of the girl booger!
Juztin, do you HONESTLY think this is funny? Because if you do then you're just as sick as the bastards who killed Holly Jones. Do you have no consideration for the feelings of others?! There are hundreds of Canadians who go to this site, and you have personally spit in the face of each and every one of them, AND managed to belittle an immensly serious issue just so you could make some shitty-ass flash about snot!
I really hope that this wasn't intentional, and I seriously hope that you never meant any ill feelings towards those who have been affected by this tragedy. But an innocent girl has lost her life, and has been denied a chance at life. And this flash, like it or not, completely underminds everyone who has ever been related or affected to any and all cases portrayed in this flash.
Don't make another Bobby the Booger short, because this is not the kind of stuff that should be made fun of. Please, I'm asking you not as a diligent member of Newgrounds. But as a human being. Please, PLEASE stop this before it becomes even more offensive, or in the very least, fix this movie so that it doesn't portray the awful message that it does now.
I hope the rest of Newgrounds will support me on this. I really hope you all have the dignity to do so. Because funny or not, this is a subject that does not deserve to be made fun of...